• Coming Up for Air

    Both Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States, and Charles Darwin, author of The Origin of Species and creator of the theory of natural selection, were born on February 12, 1809. Modern evolutionary theory, of course, is based on Darwin's theory of natural selection. The evolutionary history

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  • Common Causes of Back Pain

    Is your back killing you? Find out what could be to blame for your pain.

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  • Conservation of Energy

    Renewability, sustainability, and energy conservation are all over the news. Every newspaper's front page and every television nightly news program features sustainability daily. These are important issues, not only for the health of our planet, but also for our physical health and well-being. Our physical

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  • Control Your Breathing

    Relaxed breathing, also called diaphragmatic breathing, can help you relieve stress. Have you ever noticed how you breathe when you're stressed? Stress typically causes rapid, shallow breathing. This kind of breathing sustains other aspects of the stress response, such as rapid heart rate and perspiration.

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  • Core Fitness - What Is It and What Is It Good For?

    Core training is a no-longer-new catchphrase on the fitness landscape. The concept of core fitness, by now, has been promoted by every Pilates school, yoga center, and chain of fitness clubs around the world. Many doctors, including chiropractors, physiatrists, orthopedists, and even cardiologists, emphasize

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  • Core Trainer

    The Core Trainer is an innovative, effective piece of exercise equipment from Panasonic that allows you to sit down and perform low impact exercises that help lead to high impact results. This is made possible by innovative counter-balance exercise technology, which constantly moves you off your center

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  • Cosmic Consciousness

    For thousands of years, humanity has struggled to understand the place of men and women in the universe. All sorts of explanations have been brought forward, many proposing that humanity is part of a greater whole and helps contribute to the welfare of all. Equally many theories suggest that humanity

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  • Could your lifestyle be making you sick?

    What is your lifestyle? Not whether you are married or where you live, but rather, how are you choosing to live your life? What choices are you making to keep yourself and your family healthy and well? It is startling to learn that some of the most prevalent causes of illness, disease, and death - including

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  • Dancing in the Streets

    As Martha and the Vandellas sang back in the 1960s, summer's here! There's so much to do and we want to make sure we have a great time. Baseball, basketball, volleyball. Swimming and surfing. Walking and running. Hiking and climbing. Rollerblading and skateboarding. Now that summer's here, everything's

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  • Day of Reckoning

    The human body is remarkably resilient. Your body can withstand a great deal of abuse. It bounces back to fight off many infections, repair strains and sprains, and heal broken bones. You may drive hundreds of miles in a day, fly across multiple time zones, and travel to other countries and other continents.

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  • Dealing with Arthritis

    We've all seen the TV ads ─ nice-looking woman in her fifties, sitting on a nice sofa in a nice living room, rubbing her hands, in obvious pain. Of course, she's not Lady Macbeth, trying to rub off the imagined blood of her murdered husband. She's a woman with arthritis. According to the Center for

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  • Debunking Common Chiropractic Myths

    Have you been wondering if everything you've heard about chiropractic treatment is true? Check out these common myths.

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  • December Newsletter: Chiropractic Care for Hip Pain

    Got nagging hip pain? Chiropractic care could help.

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  • December Newsletter: Custom Orthotics Could Be What You Need to Fight Foot Pain

    Are your feet killing you? Orthotics could end your pain.

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  • December Newsletter: Healthy Eating Tips for the Holiday Season

    Worried about gaining weight during the holidays? The healthy eating tips will help you avoid piling on the pounds.

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  • December Newsletter: How Wearing High-Heeled Shoes Can Lead to Scoliosis

    Could wearing high heels lead to a painful back condition?

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